Different types of Pencil shading techniques

                   (Pencils-used-for-shading) Hey there, you started your Art journey, make beautiful drawing but you ever felt that they are just a flat lines on paper? Right? In this drawing tutorial we are going to discuss about some simple and effective techniques which can make your drawing looks like real one, we can say it 3D drawing. So let's discuss about lightning and shading techniques for drawing.       Basically ' Shading ' is a process of adding values to drawing to create an illusion of form, shapes and most importantly light in a drawing. By giving proper light shade to drawing makes it more realistic and appear as three dimensional image.         There are various types of shading techniques. We are going to see basic definitions of them. Different shading methods used for drawing 1- Hatching       Hatching means simply cross lines drawn in one or same direction. When you draw many lines in a same direction which are very close to each ot

Beginner's guide for Pencil Drawing

Beginner's guide for Pencil Drawing
Hey, You are here means you want to learn drawing like drawing perfect shapes, human figures, perfect lines and all the stuff related to drawing, right? But hold on guys, no one is perfect in this world, literally no one even not me ( I am still learning lots of things like you all ) so let's learn together. 
      So, what is Perfection? It is a common term you and all searched on Google so many times. And yes, you are right. It can be simply define as " The action or process of improving something until it is faultless is Perfection and that can be achieve by practicing more and more. 
       Now let's talk about 'Art'. Art has very big world. You can dive in but never found a way of coming out of it. Painting, sketching, sculpture, architecture etc. Everything you observe around you is the Art. Here we going to talk about the most amazing feature of Art , that is Sketching. 
Let's dive in together at the ocean of Art. And let us see what's Sketching tells us.
 Basically sketching is an art of creating visuals with the help of pencils or other mediums too like charcoal, pen, graphite (we will talk about it later). Firstly, concentrate on pencil sketching.
Sketch is rough drawing of substance or it can be the ideas of an artist. For beginners its really tough but actually its not. Sketching is really easy by following simple steps. And that is what we are going to discuss. Follow these simple  steps and keep practicing.

Step 1- Take paper and pencil (any) you have at your home. Now we have to draw something. So let's make a basic drawing. Here we are going to draw simple  outline.
          Now what is outline? It is a basic structure of your drawing, we can call it rough idea. (Like below) you can draw anything you want, let's make circle.

Done?? Is that a perfect circle?? No? Don't think much about it.( Don't go about my circle) We are just heading towards basics not perfection. Right? This is called as outline of a subject later you can give it shades or colours.
Step 2- practice and practice every shape around you
      You remember when you were child your teacher use to give you letter and you repeated every time by drawing again and again. And then you develop your own style. Right ? That's apply here also. You have to keep practicing lines, circles, shapes with free hand. Sketch a lot! Dont think much about yours result, just keep your hand in motion. And stay creative because "Art is all about creativity".
This is all about an idea of what is sketching and its procedure. Now you can draw anything literally anything you want to draw or anything which comes in your drawing like triangle, rectangle or any shape in front of you.
       Just one more thing, don't go directly to drawing hard shapes. First you have to learn to hold pencil and draw in right direction. How much pressure needs to put on paper so that paper wont have to say " do you want to kill me?" (Haha). Do mistakes....so many mistakes so you can learn from them and move forward. Best luck for your first sketch. And don't forget to celebrate your pay off. 
We will see how to draw different shapes or subjects with simple outlines in next tutorial.


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